MWBA - Maritime Womens Basketball Association

Rising Star Joins MWBA

Anna Lee LeBlanc could use an extra hour in a day.

Heck, how about an extra two hours?

Busy? Yes. But she has a unique ability to multi-task and juggle numerous commitments, sometimes with a moment of notice, LeBlanc moves swiftly.

Her latest move?

Well, that’s something she wasn’t expecting.

LeBlanc, a remarkably talented and humble native of Moncton, was voted unanimously to become the second-ever vice commissioner of the Maritime Women’s Basketball Association.

She succeeds Lezlie States of Halifax, who stepped down after fulfilling her three-year term.

LeBlanc knows the MWBA well.

She started as the director of media operations and branding for the Fredericton Freeze in the league’s first season of 2022. She quickly added the role of the league’s Social Media Coordinator that first year, all the way to the Legacy Cup championship in Halifax.

It’s been quite a ride.

‘The MWBA has held a special place in my heart since my involvement in its inaugural season,’ said LeBlanc. ‘Being part of an organization that was so deeply rooted in its values is what drew me to the league in the first place.’

Watching games from the stands and daily conversations with league executive members and teams, LeBlanc’s passion for the MWBA became even deeper.

It was never about who win, who lost, who scored, who defended.

‘As we worked through the inaugural season, what I saw at games was magical, she said. ‘From grandparents supporting their granddaughters, partners supporting their loved one on the court, kids watching their moms play high quality basketball while maintaining a full-time job, athletes supporting each other, to the league’s incredible fans who supported us and continue to support us. If this does not describe a community, I’m not sure what does.’

LeBlanc left her MWBA position after graduating from the University of New Brunswick. She is in Ontario now, pursing a Master of Arts in Management and Leadership in Kinesiology (Sports Management focus) at the University of Western Ontario in London.

Becoming vice commissioner was floated to her as an idea when news arrived States would be leaving her post.

The ability to connect through social media and Zoom or Teams makes it easy to communicate despite being in a different time zone.

This will be some major experience for the23-year-old LeBlanc.

She is not afraid to lend her voice to league discussion, supporting new commissioner Jen McKenzie of Dartmouth and treasurer Jeff White of Saint John.

Success surrounds LeBlanc, a former member of UNB’s cross-country team, still an avid runner and workout enthusiast.

‘When I first discovered my passion for the sports industry within sport management and specifically sport marketing, I thought I wanted to work for not-for-profit organizations that aligned with my values because I found it difficult to believe I would come across a professional organization that aligned with my values and cared about me as an individual,’ she said. ‘However, the MWBA quickly became a place where I greatly developed personally and professionally while creating long-lasting personal and professional connections.’

LeBlanc is not only vice-commissioner.

She is tackling the role as the MWBA’s Director of Brand and Marketing.

Did we mention she can multi-task?

LeBlanc is coming off a memorable summer.

She was a marketing intern with the men’s Canadian Elite Basketball League, earning laurels with that successful organization and earning vast experience at the professional level.

The CEBL celebrated its fifth anniversary in 2023 and is a national success story, building its reputation as a solid professional basketball league and creating increased branding under the direction of commissioner, Mike Morreale.

LeBlanc has already been busy in MWBA meetings and creating brand and marketing awareness for the league as a whole.

Teams will still create their own copy, but the league will look the same as LeBlanc puts her fingerprints on the circuit.

She is thrilled to be taking on a new role as vice commissioner and continuing her branding and  marketing expertise.

‘My eagerness to continue with the league this year as Vice Commissioner and the Director of Brand and Marketing stems from the positive experience and relationship I have maintained with the league and its passionate individuals,’ she said. ‘It is very important for me to represent other individuals from diverse backgrounds to continue championing diversity and inclusion within the sports system. I love elevating women and women sports and since I am finishing up my final year of my master’s degree in sport management, I will soon be stepping into the professional sport marketing world which is not easy. But, continuing with the MWBA in these roles seemed like the natural next step for me. I’m trying to give back to the league that gave so much to me.’