MWBA - Maritime Womens Basketball Association

Leaders Collide on Weekend

It’s going to be a busy weekend of competition in the Maritime Women’s Basketball Association.

And with that, there should be plenty of moving and shaking in the league-leader departments.

Entering a six-game weekend, Leo Elbert of the Moncton Mystics leads the scoring derby, averaging 24.5 points. Elbert recorded a league record 35 points in her last outing, breaking the former mark of 32 held by Kylee Speedy of the Fredericton Freeze, set last season.

Lauren Rainford of the Miramichi Her-Icanes is second at 23.8 and Elizabeth Iseyemi of Lake City 56ers is a step behind at 22.7 points a game. Nipping at all their heels in fourth spot is Lake City’s Courtney Donaldson with 22.2 and fifth is Alaina McMillan of Halifax Thunder at 19.0 an outing.

Iseyemi leads the board battles, averaging 12.3 rebounds per game. Kelsey McLaughlin of Moncton is second at 10.3 and Miramichi’s Abby Miller third with 9.8. Allie McCarthy of the Freeze is fourth at 9.7 while Kaylee Kilpatrick of Saint John’s Port City Fog and Kaitlyn Power of the Halifax Hornets are tied at 9.5.

Katie Upham of the Thunder is the MWBA’s top disher, collecting 6.7 assists per game. Kilpatrick is second at 6.5 followed by Rainford (5.4), Amanda Pearcey of the Hornets (5.2) and Donaldson (4.8).

Quick mittens has Moncton’s Kelly Vass atop the steal derby with 6.0 per game. Iseyemi is at 3.7.

There are three games Saturday, beginning at 3 p.m. when the Mystics welcome the 56ers to Moncton at Harrison Trimble High School. At 5 p.m., the Thunder hosts Port City at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax and at 7 p.m., Fredericton visits the Hornets at Mount St. Vincent University.

The Sunday slate has Fredericton at Cole Harbour High School to meet Lake City at 2 p.m. A pair of 3 p.m. tilts feature Port City at Hornets at MSVU and the Mystics travel to Halifax to battle Thunder at SMU.

Miramichi is idle this weekend.

– Courtney Donaldson of Lake City is top five in a number of MWBA leader categories. (DWinston Photo)